New Employee - Essi Turunen - Digital Marketing Specialist - Confirma Finland

We are very happy to welcome Essi Turunen to the Confirma Software family. Essi will work as Digital Marketing Specialist providing search engine and social media marketing services to our customers in Confirma Finland.

” Hi!
My name is Essi and I've just started at Confirma Finland working with digital marketing. I just completed my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from University of Eastern Finland. In my studies, I've focused particularly on combining information technology and marketing, as well as the web development, and I have been working with direct marketing and consumer collecting the last two years.

In my freetime I like to spend time with my friends and family. I also enjoy sports, particularly spending time with golf and equestrian activities⛳🐎

I'm very excited to be a part of Confirma and looking forward to what the future holds!✨

Welcome to Confirma Software Family!


New Employee - Sebastian Tham - Collection Advisor - PS Finance Group


New Employee - Jonas Sandtveit - Business Development Manager - Confirma Software